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STEKAskills is a Scottish charity partnered with Malawian charity STEKA (Step Kids Awareness). We collaborate with and support the work of Godknows and Helen Maseko using a unique and award-winning model of critical dialogue to ensure everybody's voices are heard


STEKAskills collaborates with and supports STEKA's ambition to build a Centre for Vocational Skills & Community Enterprise in Blantyre, Malawi. Together we create a space where marginalised and poverty-experienced young Malawians can get their voices heard and empower themselves to build sustainable futures by gaining the skills needed to build their own businesses and reduce donor dependency.


In Scotland, we ensure our communities (especially young people) see beyond stereotypes of Global South countries and learn from their Malawian peers about resilience and community as well as structural inequality, so that they are inspired to join together to campaign for change. 


STEKA is a grass roots Malawian NGO that creates sustainable futures for homeless and vulnerable children and young people. It is led by grassroots activists and social entrepreneurs, Godknows and Helen Maseko, who campaign for children’s rights, gender equality and against early marriage. Our work is driven by their mission to save children from this fate, and help young survivors build positive futures. Hear how this feels in Abigail's film.


As Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, only 1% of people can go to college, and only 11% can complete primary school, so however ambitious they are, many young people can’t get the skills they need to get work, so they become vulnerable to traffickers. Our ultimate goal is to develop and sustain a STEKA Centre for  Vocational Skills and Community Enterprise, where young survivors like the STEKA residents can develop the skills they need to live sustainable, independent lives. Hear more about the vision in the film on the right.


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